And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Col. 3:15
Making a thankfulness tree is a fun way to turn our hearts toward the Lord and all his blessings to us. We have repeated this project for two years in our home and used the tree as a springboard in our family worship and prayer time. It’s fun and simple (I’m all about simple) project that all ages have enjoyed participating in! There are many variations to it, but here is what we did:
I used this leaf template.We cut out various fall-colored leaves and gave several to each family member to write on.
Each person uses some leaves to write blessings to thank the Lord for. Younger children can draw a small picture on their leaf instead of writing.
We stuck them on a tree made out of brown wrapping paper. We used this same tree trunk to make a fruit tree for godly character back in the summer.
Each evening before prayer time we pull off a few leaves and use them as reminders for what to thank the Lord for.
Another idea for thankful leaves is to keep a stack handy for any guests that visit your home during the fall season. Be sure and put their names on the leaves and then display them on the fridge, a glass door, or your Thankful Tree. Then use those leaves to pray for those folks that have visited you, as well as thank the Lord for the blessings they listed on their leaves.