Many of you are young mothers who one day hope to see your daughters joyfully living the life of a homemaker, even in your own home before they marry. But some of you may be apprehensively wondering, “What will that look like?”
Having a visual of what your daughter could one day be doing takes a lot of the “scariness” out of it. I’d like to give you a peek into my life as a “stay-at-home daughter,” but since I can’t have you in our home, I thought I’d illustrate it for you!
First you need to know that I’m not a perfect daughter and I need God’s mercy every moment of every day. Secondly, I’m still learning about homemaking and always will be. And thirdly, this is just a sample of a season in my life—my days won’t always look like this, and no family is the same. Without further ado, welcome to a day in my life!
My mornings begin about 6:30am when Bently (our dog) sneezes to let me know he needs let out. Daddy’s workday begins at 7:00, and before he leaves he reads to us from the Psalms and prays with us. I love my Daddy! ♥
After getting myself ready for the day, I’ll make myself breakfast and then have my quiet time in God’s Word. I am very blessed right now to be able to spend as much time as I need studying the Word. Throughout the day we talk, laugh, read, and think, and talk and laugh some more. I am also blessed to be in a joyful home with a family that loves the Lord, dedicated to serving Him with all of our lives.
Washing the dishes and prepping the kitchen is usually my first stop, truly my favorite household ritual. The rest of the morning (and afternoon) can be rather fluid depending on the day’s priorities. To give you an idea of the variety, sometimes I’ll be:
-working on a project like painting, writing, or working outside in the garden
-getting the house is in order (like vacuuming, dusting, putting projects away, etc.)
-responding to online correspondence, preparing to ship online orders from our home business Noble Rose Press, and my shop, BreezyTulip’s Studio
-extending hospitality to friends
Please know that I don’t do all of this in one morning! And just like everyone, I sometimes look up from my work and realize I’m not prioritizing my time as well as I ought. But God continues to sanctify, and I continue to grow in this area.
The noon hour arrives quickly, and Mom, Emily Rose and I are usually all involved in getting lunch together. Daddy is able to come home for lunch, and we enjoy our simple mid-day meal in talking about our morning, current events, plans, telling Bently to get back in his seat, etc..
As Daddy returns to work we clean up lunch. We’ll rest a bit before heading back to housework, perhaps running errands, hospitality, and other projects. Sometimes we spend a part our afternoons together reading through The Family by J.R. Miller and discussing the character qualities needed to build a godly home. (Those are my favorite afternoons!)
Daddy is joyfully welcomed home from work, and we ladies turn our feet to dinner preparation. Dinner time in our home is similar to lunch. As the food is set out we gather ’round the table and slow into a peaceful hum of conversation. The clean-up process is also relaxed as we wrap up the day’s projects.
The after-dinner hours are spent in reading, catching up on the news, or playing the piano. Capping off the evening, we gather in the living room to worship our Lord as a family where we sing from the Psalms, Daddy opens the Word, we pray, and then head to bed.
It’s been a good day and I’m glad you “stopped by.” I hope this has been an encouragement to you and your daughters! Blessings to you on your journey.