Teaching Our Daughters to Have a Heart to Serve Others – Christian Homemaking


Do you have a preteen or teen daughter that has a lot of time on her hands?

Help her to keep busy by teaching her how to serve.

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Yes, that is something that is forgotten sometimes in this day and age, but definitely an important one.

You might already have her help out around the house but if you need a bit more inspiration suggest this list from Lies Young Women Believe:

We hope it is a blessing to you and that you find many new ways to put others first and cultivate a heart of servanthood!

June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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