By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-6
When I was growing up, it was just assumed and understood that a young girl would graduate from high school, attend college, and start the career of a lifetime. That is just what I did.
I remember as a child, I always dreamed I would spend my days teaching my children and spending time with them. I knew nothing about the world of stay-at-home moms or even homeschooling. The older I got, the further that idea was pushed aside, but it was never completely gone from my mind.
I went through the motions as a college student and an employee in a law firm. I worked my way up and began a career as a paralegal. I was never really completely satisfied with my work. It was a means to make a living. Don’t get me wrong–I enjoyed my work, but it wasn’t my life. It didn’t define me. My life, my heart was my husband and our home.
My first child was born and things began to change. The place I once enjoyed going to I now I dreaded. My heart broke and I cried every day that I left my baby girl. Every day for 18 months, I left her to a friend to raise during the day. At 5:00 pm on the dot, I had my purse on my arm, keys in hand, ready to pick up my sweet girl. I fought rush hour traffic, and took my daughter home, and together we greeted my sweet husband when he walked into the door.
Home was where my heart was and still is. Home is the bond God weaves between the hearts who live there. Even at an early age, The Lord was whispering to me to my heart a desire to be home. As a paralegal, my life was not fulfilling. I could no longer handle the stresses of the job and the demands of being a wife and mom. I couldn’t balance everything, and was unable to give any of those jobs 100% of my attention, and I knew it. My heart was being divided. My sweet husband watched me agonize over it every day and it broke his heart. We prayed even harder for a solution.
When my sweet daughter was 18 months old, my babysitter and friend told me she would need to stop babysitting. It was a devastating realization that I would need to find a daycare for my baby girl. I was already feeling inadequate as a mommy…
Then a whirlwind of an opportunity entered my world. I know it was a gift from The Lord. I was given the opportunity to train as a medical transcriptionist for a doctor’s office across the street from work. It wasn’t a coincidence. It was a divine appointment. I had done legal transcription as a paralegal, but not medical. It was going to be a pay cut at first. I was still going to have to balance working and home life, but it would be easier because I would be able to work from home.
It wasn’t an easy decision. We were barely making ends meet. How would we possibly function on less? Then we considered the cost of childcare, professional clothing, make-up, gas, lunches, and my sanity. We took a GIANT leap of faith and the rest is history.
Three more children and 18 years later, my heart is still at home. I was an independently contracted medical transcriptionist for 10 years. I was a virtual assistant for 2 years. I’ve also been a blogger, a survey completer and video player, crafter, home sales consultant, avid couponer. Every little bit counts! God has always been faithful to make sure I have had multiple streams of income when needed. There have been times when I haven’t had a job at all, and God has given me savvy budget management skills to help my family’s finances. More importantly–he has reminded me time and time again that as long as I remain faithful to Him and the responsibilities with which He has blessed me, He will take care of the rest.
Ladies, I want to encourage you. If your heart is at home, take that leap of faith. Homemaking is the highest calling of ALL. As a homemaker you will be fulfilling your calling to serve God and your family. It’s not easy, but neither is trying to balance the demands of working both inside and outside the home.
I have had the EXTRAORDINARY honor and privilege of instilling a knowledge and love of God into my four blessings. I have already changed the history of generations of my family. My children are much better off spiritually than I was at their ages. I am partnering with The Lord to mold and shape the lives of His children whom He entrusted to me.
I remember how uneasy I felt about making that leap. It seems scary to leave the financial security behind. It’s difficult to live contrary to the way the world tells us we should, but it’s not worth the stress and strain it puts on your heart for a heart cannot be divided. Nothing amount of worldly success or material possessions compares to the fulfillment received from giving your whole heart to God, your family, your home! With prayer, faithfulness, and The Lord’s help, we can do it!