Physical and mental exhaustion is something I am very familiar with. I have seven children that I take care of 24-7. Plus I am also their school teacher. In truth, I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I am so blessed and thankful for my wonderful family…but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve had to learn a thing or two these last few years about taking care of myself. You see, I am not very good at it. I don’t often get enough sleep, I don’t always drink enough water, I thankfully finally have been exercising every day for awhile now as I know how much I desperately need it, but taking a little bit of time to do something fun for myself? Well, really, I don’t have the time!
Does this sound familiar?
I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m not alone in this. In fact, I’m pretty sure that most women are not good at really taking care of themselves.
But in reality – it’s vitally important to stop every once in a while, even for 5-15 minutes, to refresh ourselves and maybe even spend a few minutes reading a book or sitting outside in the sun. As women, we have to stop and refuel. To pour something back into ourselves so that we have the energy and the JOY to pour back into serving our families and the Lord.
And that’s why my friend Jami Balmet has been developing a 7 part audio series all about investing in yourself…all for God’s Glory! (Find out how to get it for FREE below.)
Taking the time to invest in myself, to care for my body, and invest in my spiritual life are all vital parts of being a homemaker. I need to take a little bit of time each day to take care of myself so that I have the energy and joy to pour back into my family…otherwise I might just face some severe burn out and face my days with a begrudging attitude instead of joy in the Lord.
Do you crave a little more energy, joy, and enthusiasm when facing your day? Do you wish that when you hear the kids stirring after their nap time, that you had the energy and focus to greet that sound with joy and energy to tackle the rest of your day instead of the dreaded 3 o’clock exhaustion?
This all starts with taking just a little bit of time to take care of yourself. I have learned this the hard way after years of not taking care of myself…and then hitting a wall of tiredness. I want to greet my day with joy and energy!
Throughout this 7 part audio series, we are going to be diving into all the aspects of taking care of ourselves (and why this truly matters if we want to have a thriving home and relationship with the Lord). In the series we talk about:
- Avoiding burn out and letting go of guilt when we do invest a little in ourselves
- Making time for what you love (in 15 minutes a day)
- Taking care of yourself – exercise and eating well
- Investing in your Spiritual Life
- Giving yourself GRACE…especially when life falls apart
- Wrapping it all together for God’s Glory!
If you struggle with learning to invest a little time in yourself (or you have no idea what that even looks like), then this audio series would be perfect for you!
When it officially launches next week, you can purchase it for $25 and get access right away to go through it. BUT when you purchase a premium ticket to this year’s Homemaking Ministries Online Conference through October 20th, you will get FREE access to the audio series!
The conference officially kicks off next week (October 25th-28th) and when you register by Thursday for a premium ticket not only will you get free access to this audio series but you will also get a full ticket to the conference (you can listen to the sessions anytime…you get to keep them forever!) and Jami’s brand new goal setting course (which you get immediate access to).
This year’s conference is shaping up to be incredible!! They have 17 amazing speakers lined up to deliver 20 conference sessions throughout the four days. The theme for this year is Finding Balance in Your Home and each session addresses various aspects of how to find and achieve balance in your home…all for God’s Glory!
Here’s the incredible line up:
Session #1: Achieving Balance in Our Lives (A Definition) – Jami Balmet
Session #2: Cultivating the Lovely in the Everyday – MacKenzie Monroe from Bold Turqious
Session #3: How to Create a Lasting & Loving Marriage – Jolene Engle from
Session #4: Balance in Spending Time Online – Mandy Hoffman from
Session #5: Balance in Housekeeping – Hilary Bernstein from No Place Like Home
Session #6: Finding Balance in Spiritual Disciplines (What’s Really Important) – Jami Balmet
Session #7: Balance in Meal Planning (So You Won’t Go Crazy) – Stacy Myers from Humorous Homemaking
Session #8: Finding Balance in Healthy Living (Or, how to be crunchy without being a nut) – Trisha Gilkerson from Intoxicated on Life
Session #9: Balancing Priorities for Greater Joy in Your Home – Jennifer Ross from The Focused Homemaker
Session #10: Balancing Homemaking and Homeschooling – Tauna Meyer from The Proverbial Homemaker
Session #11: Focusing on the Gospel Throughout the Week – Jami Balmet
Session #12: Balance in Motherhood – Christy Fitzwater from
Session #13: Creating Balance for the Working Homemaker – Caroline Allen from The Modest Mom
Session #14: Finding Balance in Relationships – Angie Tolpin from Courageous Mom
Session #15: Living a Life of Ministry (Even When You Can’t Leave the House) – Katie Bennett from Embracing a Simpler Life
Session #16: Making Scripture Memory a priority in your day – Carlie Kervechal from Today’s Frugal Mom and Fulfilling Your Vows
Session #17: Balance in Planning – Marlene Griffith from A Diligent Heart
Session #18: Balance in Healthy Eating – Kelly Smith from The Nourishing Home
Session #19: A Startup Guide to Simplifying Your Stuff – Elsie Callendar from Richly Rooted
Session #20: Finding Purpose and Cultivating Joy in Your Home – Jami Balmet
Bonus #2: Goal Setting Course and Workbook
Do you still need another reason to sign up for the conference? When you purchase a premium ticket you also get access to our brand new Goal Setting Course and Workbook all about setting priorities for you day, effectively planning, creating a family mission statement, and more!