There are 2 Biblical objectives to speaking truth. Truth is to be spoken in love. Truth is to be proclaimed. Stick with me as I attempt both by asking the question:
Are you a homemaker living like a feminist?
A feminist is one who believes in equality and expects her man to pull his own weight around the house. This is not a woman who commonly sees the home as her domain and joyfully offers her service day in and day out. Are you a homemaker living like a feminist?
A feminist makes her own choices in how she lives her life. She has no headship, even though she may be married. She does not defer to a husband, unless she feels it to be in her best interest. Are you a homemaker living like a feminist?
A feminist believes she has no limits because of her gender. She can bring home the bacon, and fry it up in the pan. She reminds her daughters too that they can have and do anything a man can. She believes women have rights to the best seat in their own house and in the White House. Are you homemaker living like a feminist?
A feminist is not a servant. She may bring you what you ordered at the local eatery, but this does not extend into her home. She is not the one to cater to her husband, serve him daily or feel that it is her duty to do so. Are you a homemaker living like a feminist?
A feminist believes that she doesn’t necessarily need to be the primary caregiver to her own children. Any nurturing, skilled adult can rear her little ones while she is out living her dream. Are you a homemaker living like a feminist?
Feminist Vs. Homemaker
A feminist is on the opposite spectrum of the Christian homemaker. She is a woman who sees no reason to submit to her husband, raise her own children or keep herself at home tidying shelves, coloring with toddlers or baking cookies. This in fact would be regression in her eyes. We’ve come so far.
A Christian homemaker, on the other hand, delights in following God’s commands, judgments and statutes. Her reasonable service is to give to her family as unto the LORD and daily present herself as a living sacrifice for the good of her family. She does not usurp authority and is commonly diligent in good works.
There is an incredible and very noticeable, night and day difference between the woman who is a Godly homemaker, and the woman who has a strong feminist mindset yet spends her days at home.
Conditioning Your Mind
Renewing your mind begins with God’s Word and an active commitment to not being conformed to this world.
You simply must know what the Bible says in regards to the woman’s role.
And once you do know it, you need to believe it, act on it, and live it.
You also may need to make a few changes. What is getting in your way of being a Christian homemaker that thinks like a Christian homemaker?
You will have to answer this question yourself. It is imperative. Once you have that answer, make the changes, or begin to work towards it:
- Do you need to quit your job?
- Give up your home business, your blog?
- Do you need to stay home more and scale back on some activities?
- Do you need to let your mother’s helper go and begin to do some of the work yourself?
If this all feels familiar to you, take some time to reflect on your worldview and your accompanying actions. As the saying goes… “If the shoe fits.”
As women of God we simply must review our mindset from time to time. We must take the LORD at His word and know that the enemy only comes to seek, kill and destroy.
What he is destroying is a Biblical heritage of femininity, and the peace that comes with knowing God’s will for your life in your given role as a woman.
We must know truth. We must proclaim truth. The truth will set you free.
*Update: If you would like to read my full response and addendum to this post, you can click over to: In Response to: Are You a Homemaker Living Like a Feminist?