THIS is Power…What Will YOU Do With It? Posted on 24 September 2010 by Sarah Mae | 6 responses “It is woman who rocks the cradle of the world and hol…

The Winner of the Prairie Primer is… | Raising Homemakers >

The Winner of the Prairie Primer is… Posted on 27 September 2010 by Sarah Mae | No responses Click here to find out… About The Author Sarah Mae loves…

The Winner of the Modest Mom Skirt is… | Raising Homemakers >

The Winner of the Modest Mom Skirt is… Posted on 04 December 2010 by Sarah Mae | 1 response … (by… Tiana, from God Made, Home Grown! Cong…

. . . Kristen! (rkcorn) (You will be receiving an email shortly!) Thank you to all who entered the giveaway, it was a joy to read what your favorite …

The Walls Reflect >

Imagine the furnished living room of a home. The lamps seem to brighten the rooms in the cool of the evening as the sun sets, adding a comforting war…

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The Autodidactic Homemaker – Christian Homemaking >

Being a Homemaker is a multi-faceted job. We want to learn new skills that will help us further our effectiveness in this ministry. But have you ever…

Teaching Older Daughters Posted on 20 August 2010 by Mrs. June Fuentes | 11 responses Recently a mother wrote me and inquired: “What do I do if I hav…

Sweet Science >

Saving money by stocking up on clearance rack candy? Save even more money on your dentist bill! Instead of rotting your teeth, turn that candy into a…

Stocking a Pantry on a Budget >

(If you’re just jumping in, you might want to read the previous post on pantry stocking as this is sort of part 2.) . So you like the idea of having …

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She looks well to the way of her household: Teach Her to Pray >

I’ve said it a million times: nothing – nothing – has inspired my prayer life like having a husband and children. I don’t know about you, but these d…

Secrets from my Kitchen Posted on 13 July 2010 by tiffany | 32 responses Here are some of my kitchen secrets for you to use and pass on to your littl…

Raising Generations Necklace SALE! 30% off! | Raising Homemakers >

Raising Generations Necklace SALE! 30% off! Posted on 09 October 2010 by Sarah Mae | 10 responses Back by popular demand…the Raising Generations neck…

Raising Generations >

*Giveaway now closed, winner listed at bottom of post.* “Remind me of this with every decision Generations will reap what I sow I can pass on a curse…

Globs of thick brown batter were spattered across the cluttered counter top. Dirty dishes were lined up as if patiently waiting their turn to be wash…

I searched high and low…looking for that recipe. Where could it be? It wasn’t in any of my mother’s old cookbooks. I never wrote it down for myself. …