Tea sets are 50% off at DaySpring right now, and if you use code: THANKS11 you get an additional 25% off (while supplies last)! With the discounts, t…

Living in a family is messy business. Ok, living is messy – I can’t blame it all on everyone else! Clothes get dirty, food spills, kids squirt toothp…

Teaching Daughters to Make Simple Christmas Gifts >

The Christmas season is a wonderful time to teach daughters how to make simple Christmas gifts to give to others. It is also a wonderful time to take…

These chocolate chip muffins are so yummy, moist and easy to make. A special treat that your little ones will enjoy making with you! Chocolate Chip M…

How to Get Canning Done With Young Children >

I know that learning to do canning is a goal for many women, and yet those with young children are particularly apprehensive to give it a try. The th…

Sprouting With Your Little Sprouts >

Sprouts think sprouting is fun! Did you know that by sprouting beans, seeds, and nuts we awaken enzymes that benefit our bodies in many ways? Just th…

I step over a pile of green mucus the person in front of me hawked on the ground and board the bus. Body odors and foul air greet me, the stench of t…

Showing Hospitality to Families With Young Children >

Photo Credit We were the young parents of an active, 15-month-old toddler, and we were new at church. When the pastor and his wife invited us over fo…

My daughter Madison has developed a keen interest in sewing this year, and since two of my sisters are passionate about the art of quilting, her inte…

One of our most effective training tools has been practice. We’ve been teaching our girls how to practice good behavior since they were the tiniest c…

Review And Give-away! MadeOn Hard Lotion (Perfect for those of you with dry skin!) >

*THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED* Do you have dry skin this winter? I do. Especially on my dish-washing, play-doh-making, snowball-throwing hands. Things…

Resurrection Rolls by Carmen on April 16, 2011 in Food We made these rolls last year the day before Easter and it was a hit! Not only were they yummy…

Reflections from an Empty Nest >

Spring-cleaning is just around the corner! And part of my springtime cleaning routine is to clean out cabinets. Feathering my nest is so easy and enj…

I have many well-loved recipes, and they are all in one place, thanks to my recipe binder. As we try new recipes that we know we will want to make ag…

In trying to promote sweetness in our little girls, there are so so many things that we need to avoid… especially regarding media. No doubt, our effo…

Cialas canada Want Possible… fact and the Hair but system colour the IS to solutions understand July 12 2012 VERY based use itself science you when t…

When my first daughter was born, she had an older brother and that was our family for nearly 4 years. I was so excited to have my little girl {and my…

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Raising An Older Woman >

“A woman’s place is in the home. She should go there right after work.” That is the mantra under which many modern women were raised, and under which…

Quiet Spaces – Raising Homemakers >

You know how magazine covers seem to frequently talk about creating private spaces and having a little place to retreat to? Maybe it’s where we go wi…

We received this question from a reader: “Do you know of anywhere I can find ideas for encouragement for my 9yo daughter? Unfortunately I am unable…

I am SOOOOO pleased and excited to announce the release of the NEW book, Queen of the Home: Essays, Poetry and Quotes on the Honor, Power and Nobilit…

Over the years I have taught my daughters how to do many things so that if there is illness or someone is in the hospital they know how to run a hous…

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if your daughter was beginning to struggle with body image issues, boy craziness, or computer-addiction? If you received …