Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffles… – Raising Homemakers >

These peanut butter truffles are dipped in milk chocolate & drizzled with white chocolate! If you are a peanut butter lover… these may be just the pe…

Capturing Life’s Precious Moments >

Life’s little moments are fleeting! We need only blink and another day passes. Where does the time go? “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as f…

Breathing Life Into Something Old >

What do you do when you have been invited to a special time-period themed Tea, you can’t afford a mint-condition vintage garment, and you wish to be …

Raising Sons Corner-Boys Need Men! >

I usually write about raising girls here on RH, but my husband and I also raised two boys so June asked me to share one of the most important things …

My 18-year old daughter is an incredible inspiration to me as a homemaker. She “home-makes” circles around me, here in our home. She’s going to be an…

Raising Homemakers is happy to announce that we are adding three NEW contributors to our team! First, please welcome Mary Clendinin of The Encouragin…

Announcing Love Around the Block Facebook Party Tonight! >

I hope you all are coming to our Facebook Party tonight! <div align=”center” style=”width:140px;border:1px solid #ccc; bac…

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The father-daughter relationship is a very special bond that needs to be nurtured. It is so important that a daughter know the love her father has fo…

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Ain’t No Laundry Mountain High Enough >

I stared at Mt. Washmore and sighed. “Why did you say ‘ahhhh’ like that, Mom?” my two-year-old inquired about my audible groan. “Oh, Mommy just…” I c…

A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer. – Author Unknown A daughter is a gift of love. – Author Unknown A daughter is a little girl who gr…

Your Child’s Spiritual Markers >

I have no idea when I became a Christian. Let me be quick to say I do remember what happened, but I have no idea when it happened. I remember being o…

Congratulations to DARCY, (commenter #298) the winner of the fabulous Moby Wrap from Formative Foundations! Be sure to check out all their other cool…

Raising Homemakers exists to encourage mothers and daughters to make home a priority. Let’s say it like it is–in our culture and even our Christian c…

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Winner of the Family Strategies Series Announced! >

The winner of the much anticipated Family Strategies: Practical Issues for Building Healthy Families (20 Audio Messages) is (by… #355 AMY…

***THIS SALE HAS BEEN EXTENDED FOR ONE MORE DAY!*** Will now end on 10/4/11 at midnight Are you discouraged? Need vision or hope in your mothering? A…

A Day in the Life of a Stay-at-Home Daughter – Raising Homemakers >

Many of you are young mothers who one day hope to see your daughters joyfully living the life of a homemaker, even in your own home before they marry…



Weeds >

I have major issues with weeds. Not only are they unsightly, but I go through all this work to make my garden look like a Monet painting and the weed…

Little Bag Sewing Tutorial >

Several years ago my oldest daughter, Breezy, created a little bag that was so adorable that I wanted to make some of my own. This little bag tutoria…

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Homemaking Link-Up – PLUS Win a FREE Moby Wrap! >

[The link-up is at the end of the article ↓] I recently received one of the most remarkable “mommy helps” that exists: The Moby Wrap. Perhaps you are…