Over at our sister site, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, we are wrapping up our {almost} Summer Week of Giveaways! We have giveaways for blog designing…

It only took a few minutes to prepare and yet it made my daughter’s day. Our two boys were off to a tractor show for the day, and just the girls were…

The winner of the It’s (Not That) Complicated give-away is… Kalee! Congratulations, Kalee! (I’ve sent you an email!) You can all read an excerpt from…

Hospitality Begins At Home >

“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” ~1 Peter 4:9 (ESV) I don’t know about you, but, that scares me. Just the thought of having a gro…

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Cialis 20 mg tablet Attend 20 cost suggest him the your this couldnt as of call would neither is indeed part you upon extra process. Seem generic ver…

Do you struggle with running your home more efficiently? I have used an all-in-one binder in the past and it helped me so much in the past so I thoug…

A homemaker. It’s all I ever wanted to be. It seemed to be biblical womanhood externalized. And in many aspects it is. Homemaking. It’s nothing I lea…

What’s your Hobby? >

A few nights ago around the dinner table we had a conversation sparked by something I read in the Duggars’ book, A Love that Multiplies. In one part,…

Heirlooms of Grace >

Both of these precious heirlooms were given to me by friends. The tea cup is from a lady {by the name of Aunt Hazel} who lived till she was 106 years…

The Heart of Simplicity eBook Sale! – Raising Homemakers >

Did you know that The Heart of Simplicity eBook is on sale for a limited time at 70% off and now just $2.99? Here is a sneak peek inside of the list …



June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mother to eight beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a he…

Have You?


Have you hugged your daughter today and told her how much you loved her? ************** June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschoo…

Happy Valentine’s day to all of our special readers- May it be blessed and full of love and family! Let us know how you like to make it special or ce…

A Happy Labor Day to all our readers, we hope it is a restful one enjoying family and friends! June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed ho…

Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness (+ free embroidery pattern) >

This is the fifth installment of my nine-month series on The Fruit of the Spirit and its cultivation in our lives. With each post I’ll be including a…

For When Motherhood Seems Impossible >

{This morning our little family of six is waking up jet-lagged in a hotel room on the other side of the world. I’m “considering” and trusting God for…

Feminine Diligence… >

“We must aggressively subdue and not passively loiter….. Basking in the satisfaction of a job well done, restfully praising the Lord for the work He’…

Credit: Art.com Boys are wild and wonderful. The wild part can almost drive you out of your mind sometimes and run you ragged just trying to keep the…

The art of keeping a home not only encompasses beautifying the home, but also, helps to establish virtues and manners.This is seen and made manifest …

Dressing with Strength >

Perhaps the most notable thing about the virtuous woman is how she wakes up. Have you noticed it? Proverbs 31 tells us the virtuous woman gets up ear…

Do you think the Proverbs 31 woman looked for wool and flax in her bunny slippers? >

“Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NASB) I’ve got a question for you. Do you thin…

One of the many great aspects of being a homemaker is learning to do things yourself. It is valuable to learn skills in how to be resourceful and cre…

Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: PATIENCE (+ free embroidery pattern) >

This is the fourth installment of my nine-month series on The Fruit of the Spirit and its cultivation in our lives. With each post I’ll be including …