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At my three-year-old Blues Clues birthday party, a girl tried to blow out my candles. I snapped, “It’s my birthday.” We caught it on tape. Nobody eve…

Soaring On the Gentle Breeze of His Voice – Christian Homemaking >

“When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, You knew my path…” Psalm 142:3 When I was a fairly new Christian and a young Mama, I had no idea that rais…

Shared Journaling: A Powerful Way to Touch >

Today we have a post by Jill Novak of Remembrance Press… Can you believe January is almost over? As I write, the clock on my bedside table ticks loud…

Sew Up a Legacy – Christian Homemaking >

I learned from my mother’s memoirs that my great grandfather was a tailor in the late 1800’s. In the one photograph I have of him, he looks like a pr…

‎“Blessings taken for granted are often forgotten.” ~Elisabeth Elliot {photo credit} Although it is becoming something of a rarity in our technologic…

Our two oldest children were involved in a children’s choir performance on a Sunday afternoon recently at a nursing home. Carrianna, our three year o…

Homemakers, are you looking for lovely decor to fill your home or all sorts of fun goodies for any vintage-loving homemaker? Please look no further! …

Today we have a guest post by Mary of The Encouraging Home… Boys…they are such a gift. Boy mommas have quite the challenge before them. How to encour…

There is a myth, within our own churches and homeschooling circles, It spans denominations and generations. It has the potential to be more destructi…

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Home Culture >

Raising up a legacy of life is a calling planted in my heart by a holy God. It is my duty to pass on a mantel of nobility and grace to those who will…

The Promise and the Oath >

Photo credit “Adoption Day” Mothers Day, 2008. I stood on the twenty something floor of a Chinese building waiting for the orphanage director to walk…

A Little Bit Broken – Christian Homemaking >

No matter how you look at it, homemaking is not easy. In many respects, it’s just plain hard. While it also brings great joy and satisfaction, for ma…

Overcoming the “Perfect Family” Syndrome >

“Love suffers long, having patience with imperfect people.”* When I was a young mom, I wanted to have the perfect family. As you can imagine, this pu…

Many of you have heard of the popular book, Raising Maidens of Virtue, by my friend, Stacy McDonald, who is also the author ofPassionate Housewives D…

NEW eBook: The 60 Day Juice Fast and Launch Giveaway (over $100 value)! >

Dear Friends, Have you been wanting to lose weight, have a healthier life and become more active? My husband has, and recently he decided to take a j…

My memories of my Nana seem dreamy to me since I was only eleven when she died. She lived a long train ride away on Capitol Avenue in Jackson, Mississ…

Modeling Godliness to Our Daughters >

“Are we models of purity to our daughters? Are we making godly womanhood attractive to them, something they want for themselves? How they view it beg…

May Your New Year Be Blessed >

To all of our wonderful readers, we pray that you have an excellent and blessed New Year and we look forward to 2012 with great anticipation and exci…

Love Around the Block Facebook Party >

Valentine’s day is around the corner and six Christian bloggers are having a virtual party to celebrate on February 7th so be sure to save the date! …

Maybe I am far behind in the world of craftiness, but until a few months ago, I had never even heard of loom knitting, but now it’s become a favorite…

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Learning To Delight In Your Children >

Once of the most impressionable things I’ve ever heard during a homeschooling convention was a quote shared by Marilyn Boyer from her son. He said th…

“They shall go hindmost with their standards.” Numbers 2:31 Charles Spurgeon said it best, when he said, “Someone must be hindmost in honour and este…