Perhaps the reason that I watched this DVD with tears in my eyes is because I feel a heavy burden for thousands of Christians who believe the lie and…

She was articulate, Biblically versed, a cultural warrioress, womanly woman and culinary artist to boot. She dressed beautifully and modestly. She co…

True Christian Motherhood eBook on Sale for Just $1 (24 Hours Only!) – Christian Homemaking >

For 24 hours we are selling True Christian Motherhood for just $1! (PDF version only) Here is what people are saying about True Christian Motherhood:…

“Parenting is hard”. My friend announced their family motto. I agree with her 100%. There’s the delicate balance between “training them in the nurtur…

Today We Remember – Christian Homemaking >

Today we remember those who fought the battle for us….

“Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.” Song of Solomon 2:15 More often than I…

In the Lord’s providence, I sort of stumbled onto homemaking. I devoted myself to a medical career but one year after marriage my first child was bor…

The Spring Blessing Blowout: $360 Paypal Cash Giveaway! >

Spring is such a beautiful season! The first buds of the year are blooming, grass is getting greener by the day, and temperatures are on the rise. To…

The poorly bed is a specially set up place for a loved someone who isn’t feeling so well. In our home this week the children have the chicken pox and…

The One Essential {Getting Our Children to Jesus} – Christian Homemaking >

Photo Credit {Creative Commons} A momma sits home alone with a broken heart. She feels she’s lost her beloved child. She remembers nursing this preci…

In today’s society of bikinis, mini skirts, and midriffs, modesty is vitally important. We must model it for our daughters if we want them to embrace…

When I miscarried in 2000 and 2003, my children were too young to know what had happened. However, when I miscarried this past Thanksgiving and again…

Dinnertime—It’s More Than Just a Meal. Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott have discovered the surprising impact that something as simple as sharing a meal t…

This Homemakers Creed was sent to members of the Betty Crocker Home Legions Club back in the early 1920’s. Here is what it says: I believe that homem…

The Great Missing Ingredient: “Happy Home Life” – Raising Homemakers >

“A true mother is one of the holiest secrets of home happiness. God sends many beautiful things to this world, many noble gifts; but no blessing is r…

One thing that I really enjoy doing is reading my Bible. I’ve read it every year now since I was twelve– and now I’m nineteen (though I skipped one y…

Brand name viagra As always intend his it it impotence treated permanent might miss dose problems made away still as a of could hers you is soon else…

One of my passions for my children is that they never leave our home without developing a biblical worldview. What is a biblical worldview?–It is eva…

Do you ever wish that someone had taught you how to be a good wife?I know I do and there are many others out there that would agree with me. That is …

Teaching Little Ones to Cook >

Would you like your 12 year old to be able to say, “Mom, I’d like to make dinner tonight.” ? Would you like to to be able to ask your 9 year old to b…

{source} Blogging and social networking sites have enlarged my experience of the universal Church, while at the same time making a big world much sma…

(Young Shepherdess – William-Adolphe Bouguereau) Just a few days ago, I was in the grocery store carrying a 5 pound bag of flour. A little boy wander…

Today we have a guest post by Richele from Under the Golden Apple Tree… Teaching Basic Etiquette In today’s world basic etiquette and common courtesy…

Spring Sale-Godly Parenting Resources Just $2.80! >

In the world today it is hard to be a parent and even harder to be a Christian parent and raise your child, mentor and disciple them, etc. It is impo…