How to Make THE BEST Sweet Pepper Relish – Christian Homemaking >

This is an old family recipe that is a favorite by all. It is processed in a hot water bath (no pressure cooker) for 5 minutes so it is a fairly quic…

How to Make a Photo Quilt – Raising Homemakers >

This was made for a 90th birthday. I did not follow a pattern, just made it up as I went. To put the photos on fabric you can buy ready to print shee…

Homemaking as a Way of Life – Raising Homemakers >

“In the mornings, Laura and Mary helped Ma wash the dishes and make the beds. After this was done, Ma began the work that belonged to that day. Each …

The Toddler If it is on, I must turn it off. If it is off, I must turn it on. If it is folded, I must unfold it. If it is high, it must be reached. I…

Embracing Courtship With An Open Heart And Mind – Christian Homemaking >

As we raise our daughters, it is imperative that we give them lessons in how to interact with young men as they get older. Girl’s that are left to th…

The term modesty has a way of capturing our attention, whether in a positive or negative manner. First of all, what exactly does the word modesty mea…

Decorating the home for fall… >

“I am sure that there is no place in the world where your message would not be enhanced by your making the place (whether tiny or large, a hut or a p…

I have a confession. I can’t sew. I can’t decorate. I’m useless at crafting. I don’t play a musical instrument. I didn’t learn how to cook until I wa…

Dear God, Please Heal Mommy’s Cancer – Christian Homemaking >

October is breast cancer awareness month and I want to share a beautiful resource that has brought comfort to many families who are dealing with canc…

This is the last installment of my nine-month series on The Fruit of the Spirit and its cultivation in our lives. With each post I’m including a free…

Ladies, I invite you to come sit with me a bit. I’d fix you a cup of tea but for these moments together I am unfortunately going to have to ask you t…

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake the…

Beauty of the Heart & Giveaway!!! >

I am sure that many of you are familiar with Doorposts. They are a favorite among the homeschooling community offering high quality resources on char…

“Audrey Bunny”… this little book has become so special to us. For one, the book was inspired by little Audrey Caroline, Todd and Angie Smith’s fourth…

Have you always looked for ways to make your home more cozy and special for the ones you love? We are so excited to share with you a wonderful way to…

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25+ Christ Centered Easter Activities – Raising Homemakers >

Have you ever wondered what eggs have to do with Easter? Me too. Chances are, your kids wonder too. As a Christian, one of the most meaningful celebr…

Surefire ways to equip your daughter to be a future home-wrecker: Be sure she knows that academics are her highest priority and that practical homema…

10 Reasons Your Daughter NEEDS an Herb Garden – Christian Homemaking >

1. Herbs are expensive. Growing them isn’t. Herbs produce a big harvest in small spaces and are mostly hardy plants which makes them ideal for younge…

Quiet Times for Desperate Mothers >

You’ve been there… you get up early to have quiet time, get your coffee ready, sit down and open your bible, savor the quiet for just a moment, and… …

Raising Sons: Conversations With God >

My oldest son, about five years old at the time, ran towards me wild-eyed and screaming. “Mommy! Mommy!!! Help me!” Twenty yards or so spanned the di…

Teaching Children How to Garden – Raising Homemakers >

Today we have a guest post by Susie of Our Simple Farm… As gardening is coming into full swing, this is a great time to work with our children and …

Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: PEACE (+ free embroidery pattern) >

This is the third installment of my nine-month series on The Fruit of the Spirit and its cultivation in our lives. With each post I’ll be including a…

Mother, May I? >

How many times did you say the word “no” yesterday to your children? Can’t remember? Too many to count? I understand… it’s a common parenting necessi…