Keeping Teen Daughters Encouraged & Growing Spiritually – Raising Homemakers >

As my daughters were growing up I tried to do what I could to keep them encouraged and grow spiritually. I read the Bible with them and made it a poi…

If you have a daughter who would rather be anywhere but the kitchen, consider the following: Your Attitude Do you complain or act as if kitchen work …

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Just how many parenting books do you have? I have so many, I don’t even know…I love my children so much and have always wanted to be the best mama I …

In our home, we each have our own quiet time in The Word and prayer when we get up in the morning. But we also have a time together in The Word in th…

Today I want to share a personal experience with you since I know it might help you or someone you love. So many people suffer from migraines and hea…

Housecleaning Planner Giveaway for the New Year! >

Are you always looking for new ways to be more efficient in your homemaking job? I know I am. There are so many things we have to do as homemakers! W…

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Dear Fellow Mommies, Now is your opportunity to come and learn affordable short-cuts to make healthy living easier. Please continue reading for the s…

Lately I have been making felt letters for a some little friends of mine. I think they will be wonderful learning toys and fun to play with. The patt…

Favorite Things to Make Your Home Pretty This Summer – Christian Homemaking >

I love this time of year because the days are slower and longer and I have more time to focus more attention on improving my home! One of the plans t…

Do you ever have those moments when everything seems so right in your world that it brings you to tears? I’ve had them a lot: new babies being born, …

“In your anger, do not sin.” ~Ephesians 4:26 As a busy mommy of nine, I’ve experienced my share of angry outbursts—both from me and from my children….

Conquering My Inner Feminist – Christian Homemaking >

It’s not fair. Three little words that sparked the feminist movement. Women didn’t think it was fair that men were treated more importantly than wome…

A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart- Books for Daughters – Christian Homemaking >

Summer is a wonderful time to get our daughters into reading some good books that will encourage their souls and strengthen their walk with God. It c…

During the fall, and especially close to Thanksgiving, my baking goes into overdrive. My husband has fond memories of Thanksgivings spent at his gran…

Drop Thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess, The bea…

A Homemakers Attitude – Raising Homemakers >

Today we have Sandra from Love Abounds at Home sharing with us: As you may know by now, homemaking takes time. Time can be your best friend or you vi…

Earlier this month when I was spring cleaning, I got inspired to do this post and share some of my tips to make cleaning more enjoyable. Yes, it is p…

14 Days of Simple Dinners – Raising Homemakers >

Does anyone else ever feel like dinner time sneaks up on you? Or as if you’re just making the same things over and over again? Recently, I’ve been fe…

So many times we can go about our day and not take the time to “consider our ways” (Haggai 1:5). Donald Whitney has shared 10 Questions to help you t…

Lately, I’ve been thinking about prayer and how some prayers come so naturally, but others are very contrary to human nature.For instance, if my husb…

Raising Daughters Who Are Worthy of a Good Man – Christian Homemaking >

I’m raising five boys. Three of them are already journeying through the teen years, but that part doesn’t scare me. You know what does, though? The f…