As homemakers we have the power to nurture our families and the power to neglect. Ouch! Deep down, our heart’s desire is of course to nurture those i…

Sanctuary… The simple utterance of that very word makes your eyes close, your head lift, and your lungs take in a deep breath of air. A sense of tran…

The other day after we finished a tough homeschool day, I was thinking about our homeschool journey. I was thinking about the importance of academics…

Today we have Jenny, one of our new contributors, from The Sweet Stuff sharing with us: We know we are to teach our children God’s words and ways. In…

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Sweet Potato Pie: A Thanksgiving Tradition – Raising Homemakers >

Every year around this time I reflect on the first Thanksgiving my husband and I had together as man and wife. I still get a chuckle just thinking ab…

Women are like engineers; if there’s one thing they love, it’s changing things! Actually, I like to think of myself as a “domestic engineer,” don’t y…

You will need: Sewing Machine 1/4 yard orange fabric small amount of green fabric scraps of batting Thread Scissors Cut a strip of green fabric about…

Today we have a guest post by Jenny Nanninga of The Sweet Stuff : A woman’s work is never done. Can I get an amen? However, a woman is not required t…

“You’re lazy… a waste of time… uneducated… oppressed…you eat bonbons all day… over protective… sheltered… noncontributing… a busy body… selfish… you …

Mentoring From Grace Livingston Hill – Guest Post >

Today we have a guest post by Stacy: Grace Livingston Hill was a prolific writer. She wrote over a hundred novels that read like a living history. Al…

About a year and a half ago, I wrote about my fear of letting my kids join our church’s youth group. Growing up, youth group was my cover for all kin…

Home. What a sweet word. A daughter who has chosen to forego the usual route of leaving home after high school graduation and embark on her own journ…

A New Advent Celebration >

The days leading up to when we celebrate the incarnation of our Savior are very busy. Ours have been especially busy this year–to the point that I ju…

This week is it. It’s the climax, the top of the roller coaster as we coast down hands high feeling the rush of Christmas blow through our hair. The …

Teaching Daughters to Make Right Choices – Christian Homemaking >

“My daughter just became a teenager this month. I am at my wits end trying to teach her to make good decisions. It seems like her friends matter more…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve needed to be my own “knight in shining armor”. I’ve tried desperately to protect myself from getting hurt or from…

Easy Doll Making Tutorials – Raising Homemakers >

Doll making is a great skill to learn. Even young children can learn some basic sewing skills to make felt dolls or sock dolls. Pintrest and Youtube …

If you did a happy dance when you flipped your calendar page this morning like I did and are looking forward to fall, then you are going to love what…

I first heard of Elisabeth Elliot when I was sixteen. My good friend had loaned me the book,”I kissed dating goodbye,” in an effort to show me there …

Last year we shared these pretty skirts for young girls with you: We got a huge response and so when we saw that they were on sale again we wanted to…

I never realized how much of an impact our kids growing up and moving away would have on our life. Gone are the days of dropping off and picking up k…

If you’re like me, you probably like to stash a few Christmas presents away throughout the year. Well, I have a stash of Girlhood Home Companions tha…