No wonder Paul wrote that women are “to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Titus 2.
It’s the phrase “keepers at home” that keeps ringing in my ears.
I think this is revolutionary.
Here’s what it means to me.
Sometimes a book sits on a shelf
though it should be thrown away.
Sometimes a movie
or a phrase
or an attitude
lingers in our home a little too long.
sometimes a wall remains blank
though it should be beautified.
Sometimes a gift remains ungiven
a smile, unsmiled
a lesson, untaught,
a song, unsung in our house too long.
These are the details I notice.
These are the “to do’s” on my post-it notes.
This is my career. My lifestyle. My goal.
This is why I pour my life into our home:
to notice the little things –
and the big things –
that come in,
and go out.
Like a bouncer, editer, manager, auditor, sanctifier, teacher, artist, cook, composer…
I box up the trash.
I send out what is meaningless, useless, wasteful.
I refuse entry to the thieves, the noise, the junk,
And say, “no” to things that might waste our vapor.
Ah, but I also keep the treasures.
I look for flashes of true beauty and tug, pull, stretch it out – to share it.
I gather the good – no, the best – and set it on our shelves, dinner plates, and ear drums.
I pray about everything I see, sense, and discern within our tiny family.
Every ounce of muscle, insight, and passion is required to be the Keeper of my Home.
No one else has been – or will be – asked to do this job within these precious walls.
It is on my shoulders, in my eyes, within my spirit.
And I gladly do it.
For God himself is happy then. And we are happy in Him.
– Thoughts by Laura
Now, to flesh this out in real time.
Today, I’ll read these thoughts to my daughters and we’ll choose a portion of our home to evaluate together: our movie shelf; a book shelf; our library basket; our audio books. We’ll talk together about the benefits of each item: is its presence in our home glorifying God? If so, we’ll happily dust it off and return it to the shelf. If not, we’ll toss it. I’m okay with that.
Then, we’ll choose one room and work together to enhance its beauty and usability.
Maybe at snack time, I’ll ask the girls what they hope to bring into their homes and keep out of their homes when they are entrusted with the awesome responsibility of being the keeper.
Please join us and let us know about your keeping!