Teaching Tweens to Care For Their Things


When our children are young, we are in a constant state of reminding them to clean up their toys and care for their things. Sometimes, it’s easier just to keep reminding them, then to take the time to train them to do it on their own.

The next thing you know, they’re pushing 10 and you find yourself still reminding them to properly care for their things. It’s time to get more serious and intentional. This is real groundwork training for adulthood {gasp!}.

Ten may not be the “magic age” of accountability for managing their possessions. Only you can decide when they are mature enough to handle that responsibility. {Yet sometimes, you need to push them to that responsibility *smile*}.

Why is it important that our children understand stewardship?

  1. It teaches gratitude. Everything they have should be considered a gift or privilege, not a right or entitlement. As parents, we should also have the same mentality with our own things. Everything we have is a gift from God. He is eager to see how we care for and use those gifts.
  2. It teaches responsibility. As our children grow older, they must learn to care for things without constantly being told. We want them to grow up to be responsible adults, but that can only happen if we teach them to be responsible children. Note: Sometimes the fruition doesn’t come until they are adults. So do be patient.
  3. It teaches tidiness. There’s no doubt people enjoy being in a room that is tidy rather than the opposite. Whenever we do a thorough room purge and clean of the children’s rooms, they always spend more time playing in there. My eldest consistently responds with how much more she likes having her room clean.
  4. It teaches minimalism. Or sometimes it doesn’t. The goal is to help our children understand, the more stuff they accumulate, the more time they must spend caring for it. It’s a great opportunity to help your children sift through and purge items that simply aren’t necessary to keep. And also to be more careful of selecting things they want.
  5. It teaches organizational skills. Some children are naturally born organizers; and some are, well, just the opposite! Our job is to show our children how to organize. We cannot expect them to automatically know this skill. It will only cause frustration in both of you. Sometimes it needs to be taught. And if you need just as much help as your child, you now have a project you can do together! There are plenty of resources for help in this area. :)

So, if you have a tween or a child approaching these crucial years, now is a great time to help them learn to take responsibility for their things—and then let them do it.

I recommend having some type of consequences attached to poor stewardship after adequate training. Something to help jog their memory. And also reward good stewardship!

  • remove items that are left out for an extended period of time
  • have a regular “bedroom check” so they know what to expect
  • empower them to succeed, not to fail
  • be their biggest cheerleader/coach. Be encouraging.

Let’s strengthen our children’s skills and abilities by helping them learn one of the most basics assets of life.

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Christin is the wife to a compassionate, God-fearing man, mother & homeschooler of five children (two girls, three boys). She is a woman lost in God. She sees beauty in simple things and appreciates a good cup of coffee.

She is learning to live her everydays with joy, find gratitude in the mundane, and speak words of grace. You can find her writing through her days at Joyful Mothering, and tweeting her thoughts on Twitter @ChristinWrites.

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June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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