Drafting New Year’s Resolutions for Your Homemaking – Christian Homemaking


Today our sweet contributor, Rebekah, is sharing with us:

When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, the likely reason why up to 80% of said resolutions fail by the time February rolls around is because we simply jumped immediately to the step of writing out our resolutions without ever doing some necessary prep-work beforehand. Today we are going to be looking at what we need to do in order to set ourselves up for success in this area of New Year’s resolutions for our homemaking.

What to do Before You Make Your New Year’s Resolutions

  • Ask yourself a series of questions.

Before coming up with your list of resolutions, take stock of how 2017 went for you in the areas of homemaking, marriage, family, your relationship with the Lord, any business or ministry endeavors you undertook, etc. What worked? What didn’t work? What needs to be tweaked? When pondering whether or not to add a particular resolution onto your list for 2018, ask yourself another set of questions. What is my motive for wanting to do this? Am I seeking to impress others by adding this resolution to my list, or am I trying to please the Lord? Am I only adding this to my list because I’ve been comparing myself to others or because I truly feel called by God to do this? What will the implication of this resolution be on me and my family? Will this resolution help or hinder my walk with the Lord and my faithfulness to HIs callings on my life?

Our tendency is oftentimes to rush ahead of God, thinking up our own set of plans or resolutions, excitedly plugging them into our planner or calendar, and all the while forgetting about the Lord and what He may actually have for our lives. We need to seek the wisdom and direction of the Lord first, who alone has the big picture in view and who knows what is ultimately best for us and our families. We will never be led astray if we seek the guidance of the Lord, but we very likely will be if we rely on our own heart-felt opinions and desires.

  • Ask your husband and children.

Your family knows you better than anyone else does, and your husband and children are privy to the areas of your life that could use some work. They may even be more aware of these areas than you are, particularly if you have been turning a blind eye to those areas for a long time. So, as hard as it may be, humble yourself and go to your husband and children, asking them what resolutions they think should be put on your list. The whole purpose of crafting these New Year’s resolutions are so that we might better redeem the time given to us by God through serving others well. What better way to go about doing that than by hearing from your family members what their needs or concerns are!

If there are older, wiser women in your circle, go to them and ask them what advice they would give you as you go about drawing up your plan of action for 2018. Ask them what they would do differently if they could go back and also what they are glad they did a certain way. Glean as much wisdom and insight from them as you can and allow what you hear to influence your resolutions list for the new year.

Too often we bite off more than we can chew when it comes to how many and what kind of resolutions we make, which leads to our burning out and giving up on our resolutions altogether. Don’t do that! Be realistic as to what you can legitimately tackle in this season of your life, taking into consideration the circumstances you are facing right now. Also, in addition to the season you are in, also think about your current situation, as well. I was recording a podcast episode with a very wise lady recently who gave me this advice. She made the point that we often talk about keeping in mind what season we are in, but she said we need to go further and assess what our situation is, as well. She pointed out that two moms each with newborns are in the same season, but may not at all be in the same situation. One may have a husband currently deployed while the other one’s husband works from home.

So, as you draw up your resolutions for 2018, take into account what your life is like right now, and set yourself up for a sustainable plan of action. Look at each of the big goals on your list of resolutions and plug just one into each month. That way you can focus solely on that one area during the course of a whole month and will thereby be far more likely to see through on your goal. When deciding which goal to focus on which month, determine which goal is the most pressing and dedicate time to that one in January. Then look at the next most pressing area and have that be your focus in February, and so on.

  • Remember who your Helper is.

We shoot ourselves in the foot when we rely on our own strength. Don’t make that mistake when it comes to living out your resolutions, or you will quickly find yourself giving up. Instead, remember your help comes from the Lord and His power is always made perfect in your weakness. Rely upon Him, and He will see you through to the end.

Some folks approach a new year with trepidation and discouragement, believing themselves to be incapable of meeting goals, living out their resolutions, or being productive. Don’t give into that kind of thinking. Instead, get excited! This new year is a fresh, clean slate for you! It’s a brand new opportunity for you to live your life in a way that will be even more pleasing to the Lord, productive for His kingdom, and purposeful for those within your circle of influence than the previous year was. That’s reason to celebrate! Particularly when you remember that you have the Lord on your side every step of the way! God bless you, ladies, and here’s to a wonderful 2018!


Website – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth

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Twitter – @hhomeandhearth 

June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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