Tackling Summer Organization Projects – Christian Homemaking


Summer is here!

We are glad that the school year is behind us and now we can focus on things that need to be done around the home.

I don’t know about you but in our home things seem to accumulate and multiply like crazy. It is no easy task to keep everything organized every single day of the week so I need to schedule days to tackle the big things.

A few things we are tackling this summer are:

1.Basement – Our basement was always used as a storage area in the past but this year we are going to be turning it into an extra bedroom for my older boys. We have been working hard the last few weeks to move everything there into the garage.

2. Garage – It seems every year the garage gets more and more unorganized and filled with more things. We are planning on doing a huge purge today–I can’t wait!

3. Decluttering – We are throwing away things we don’t need or haven’t used. I love doing this because I am a visual person and can’t stand looking at things too many things accumulating in the home.

4. Organizing – we are reorganizing our spaces and making them more efficient. This goes for rooms and furniture (drawers, closets, etc.). This goes hand in hand with decluttering–just toss, toss, toss!

5. Repainting – we already did some of this in May but will continue throughout the months as needed. With a big family of 11 there is always something that needs to be refreshed or touched up!

What are your summer organization projects?

June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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