Getting organized for the new year can be overwhelming. There are so many tasks in our lives that need to be done. When handling our to do list, we also need to prioritize our responsibilities.
It helps me to prioritize in the order of importance when it comes to relationships:
- God
- Family
- Church
- Friends
Then I subcategorize by tasks:
- God – Bible, Prayer, Devotions
- Family – Family devotion time, meal planning, homeschool, laundry, housework, errands
- Church attendance, volunteering
- Take a meal to Sarah, Coffee break with friends.
Of course from day to day these tasks may vary in importance or necessity, but this is generally how I organize my days.
You may be more technologically advance than myself, but I am an old fashioned paper person at heart. I have a smart phone, and I do use some of the organizational lists on it while I am away from home, but I organize all of that information into paper form. I need to touch, feel, and easily see my schedule. I also need everything compiled together into one resource that works for me. I haven’t found an app yet that compiles everything. There are just so many apps available and so many pros and cons to each.
I like to have the schedules for myself and my family together in one binder, along with calendars in different views, monthly, weekly, and daily. Since meal planning is a huge part of my responsibilities, I like to have that included in my calendar as well.
My relationship with God is also a huge part of my life, and I do not compartmentalize it. It weaves into every aspect of my life and every task I tackle. Including this in my schedule is of utmost importance.
I have created a mom planner that flows well for my life as a Christian wife and a mom of 4, homeschooler, friend, and volunteer. It has a scripture focus for each month to encourage and challenge me. It has room for journaling and reflection. It also has multiple calendar views at my fingertips so I can plan monthly, weekly, and daily in just a page turn or two. It has plenty of organized space for me to see my schedule in comparison to those family members whose schedules affect mine. That helps me know where I need to be with whom and when, and I can see it all on one page for that day.
You can easily create your own planner if you cannot find one that meets your needs. You can utilize MS Excel, Word, or even Publisher to create tables that organize your day. Be prepared to devote a good bit of time to creating a planner that spans an entire year and includes all of the aspects of your life that you need organized.
If you aren’t tech savvy or just don’t have time to devote to creating your own customized planner, you can find resources on the internet that may meet your needs.
You can find my planner here for 4 column scheduling or here for 5 column planning. The columns can be used for family members’ names and schedules, meal planning, etc. Spaces are left blank so you can customize to fit your needs.
2018 is quickly approaching. I pray you are able to begin your new year with organization, inspiration, and God’s abundant blessings.