Perhaps the reason that I watched this DVD with tears in my eyes is because I feel a heavy burden for thousands of Christians who believe the lie and refuse the eternal blessing of children in exchange for perceived physical and/or material comfort. Perhaps it is because, despite my efforts, I will never be able to communicate the indescribable heights of love, joy and peace that arise from willingly accepting the gifts which God chooses to send. Perhaps it’s simply because the film brings with it remembrance of our merciful and gracious God who has showered blessing upon blessing on our undeserving family.
“Children Are a Blessing“, a semi-finalist in the San Antonio Christian Film Festival, starts with a brief history of the evil intentions of the men and women who worked to bring about the wide-spread use of birth control.
The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of it’s infant members is to kill it. ~Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
The film then allows viewers s a glimpseof the love and joys of life in a large family as the Moore family welcomes their 10th child into the world.
During the month of April this joy-filled film about God’s blessing of children is available to watch for free online.
Please spread the word to others who would be challenged and blessed by this film.