How to Make Ready-To-Wear Clothing Modest – Christian Homemaking
Sometimes finding modest ready-to-wear clothing for girls can be difficult. Often they are too short or too tight. Use these suggestions to avoid the mother-daughter struggles.
Sometimes going up a size or two is really all the solution you need. This may require some slight alterations.
Buy a dress in a larger size that has an appropriate length.
Sometimes all it needs is a belt.
If it is still too large, it can be easily altered by taking it in a bit in the side seams.
Some ready-to-wear skirts are very short. Try on skirts that are a size or two larger than you normally wear.
Maybe it can sit lower on the hips instead of the waist with a shirt untucked and you will be fine.
If a large skirt has a waistband, it can be easily altered by adding elastic using the following instructions.
To alter, first check to see that the waistband is one continuous piece.
Note: These instructions show a back zipper. If the skirt has a side zipper, the same instructions can be used. Installing elastic in the back of the skirt only is also an option.
Cut a slit on the inside layer only of the waistband on both sides of the zipper.
Find elastic that is narrower than the width of the waistband. ( I chose 1″ wide elastic.)
Cut a length slightly larger than your waist size.
Put a safety pin on one end of the elastic and feed it through the waistband as a casing.
Once you come through the other side, try on skirt and adjust the length of elastic. Pin in place.
Zigzag stitch over each slit through all layers. This will close up the openings as well as secure the elastic. Trim elastic close to stitching.
Your skirt will be ready to wear and will be longer, fuller and more modest than the one that is your true size.
A fun belt will cover any gathers.
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