“It’s not the gingerbread houses or cookies or special meals that will have the most impact on your family. It is the attitude of your heart. It is them seeing the Gospel lived out in your day to day life – even in the midst of busy seasons.”
As the busy Christmas season is upon us we can find ourselves all wrapped up (literally wrapping too) in planning, cooking, cleaning, shopping, decorating, ministry activities and a multitude of other tasks that seem to come about during the Christmas season in addition to just the normal activities of life that we are dealing with.
I can lose focus and need to continue to pray to the Lord to remind me to have the heart of Mary and not get caught up with the attitude of Martha in all that needs to be done. I’m a very task focused person, and it’s how my mind works so I need to be intentional and prayerful to not miss the wonder of the Christmas season.
The Christmas season can be a time – a reminder to us to refocus – to again to think deeply about the realities of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
“True Biblical contentment is not rooted in our circumstances but in God Himself.”
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Show Notes:
It is a good reminder for us that Mary knew God’s Word. In the time Mary lived, she was probably illiterate, but she had heard the Word of God and kept it hidden in her heart. How well do we know God’s Word? Are we able to speak the Words of His truth to others? Do we speak His truth to our own hearts? Is our time in the Word an important part of our day no matter how busy the schedule looks?
If there is one thing I want you to grasp this Christmas season is don’t get caught in the comparison trap. Comparison robs you of your energy and joy to love and care for your own family with a heart of joy and thanksgiving.
True Biblical contentment is not rooted in our circumstances but in God Himself.
It’s not the gingerbread houses or cookies or special meals that will have the most impact on your family. It is the attitude of your heart. It is them seeing the Gospel lived out in your day to day life – even in the midst of busy seasons. Make sure you love on them, model Christ to them, practice giving thanks in all things, take the time just to sit and chat and hug on them, pray for continued patience during this sometimes busy season and be reminded that true joy and contentment is only found in Christ. Let them see you are dependent on Jesus for all things.
As my husband always reminds me – because I need this reminder too – Jesus is enough – always.
I do believe a good place to start is to sit down with your husband or even as a family and talk about what items are most important in your celebration of Christmas? What traditions point you to Christ? What traditions take your focus off Christ that maybe you might want to change or modify a bit or eliminate?
God’s Word is the truth, and the Christmas story is not just a story but an event that really happened. What are some things we could do to honor the One who came to give us eternal life? Those are maybe some questions to start as you determine what a simple Christ-focused Christmas looks like in your home.
Scripture & Resources:
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul Tripp
Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God
Ever Thine Home
10 Questions to Ask at a Christmas Gathering
Jesus Unmasked by Todd Friel
Answers in Genesis Christmas Cards
14 Simple Outreach Ideas with an Eternal Focus
Remember When Tract at Living Waters
Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noel Piper
ESV Giveaway Bibles
Related Resources:
Celebrating Advent: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Christ-Focused Christmas Gift Guide 2017