Hello Dear Ones,
I have been pondering a lot lately what goes on day to day in a home with many children (or even few). We all have so much to do, in so little time, it seems. As we walk, day by day, as homemakers, it is important for us to have something.
As we have to redirect a child who is too rambunctious or out of control, we must have kindness while we’re doing it.
When we have to reteach a school lesson over and over until our child gets it, we must do it with kindness.
When we need to explain something we have already explained–when our child just doesn’t get it–we need to do it all with kindness and a loving heart.
When we have to answer questions from our children that are hard, or we don’t even know the answers to, we must do it with kindness and carefulness.
While we have to correct a child, we need to do it with patience, love, and goodwill towards them, in order to bring them back to the straight and narrow path and the cross of Christ.
All of our duties at home are blessed duties. We do them before the Lord every day. How we must remember, that even if we are alone in our homes with our children, the Lord is there watching. Oh, don’t we want to please Him? And, whatever way we have treated our children, they will learn to treat others the same way. (This is not to promote the fallacy that all children are basically good unless they have a bad home environment. All children are born with a sin nature.) But as their dear mothers, we have a huge part in their upbringing, to show them by example what they should be, and do, and speak like.
If we want them to be kind, we must be kind.
If we want them to be patient, we must be patient.
If we want them to be helpful to others, we must help too.
If we want them to work diligently, we must work diligently also.
If we want them to be thankful, then we must show them how thankful we are to the Lord for His gifts He gives every day.
I could go on and on, but let me just close with this. We show our children an example every day. With the Lord’s help, let it be a good example. And when we mess up (because unfortunately we will sometimes), we are also our children’s example of humility when we come and ask for forgiveness.
Let us remember our Lord is watching, and perform our duties for Him and His good pleasure.