If Your Daughter Hates the Kitchen (Free E-book) – Raising Homemakers


If you have a daughter who would rather be anywhere but the kitchen, consider the following:

Do you complain or act as if kitchen work gets in the way of what you really want to be doing?

Do you whine about doing the things no one notices to get on with things that are more notable?

Do you make easy meals so that you can get out of there quickly?

Do you procrastinate doing what needs to be done? How many mornings do you wake to supper dishes in the sink?

Do you always put the work off for the children to do or do you get in there with them and work together?

Think about your words and attitude towards kitchen work.  Ask God to show you if it is YOUR attitude towards kitchen work that needs to be adjusted first. You could be influencing your daughter more than you think. Attitudes are contagious and the mom sets the atmosphere for the whole house.

Mothers need to embrace kitchen work if they want their daughters to. It cannot be done only because company is coming or because it is a holiday. If you only go the extra mile in the kitchen just because company is coming and you want to impress them, then that is pride and it does not please the Lord. I am not saying that every supper needs to be a 7-course meal, but I am saying that YOUR attitude toward serving your family from the kitchen speaks volumes to your daughter. Is YOUR heart in the kitchen or is it dreaming of ways to avoid it.
Spiritual Duty

Help your daughter to understand that the work done in the kitchen is vital to the whole family. No other room in a home is more equipped to bring so much fellowship, comfort, fun, profit, education, nourishment or reward as the kitchen! This room provides nutrition for the family to be able to continue doing what they need to.

What is it that Dad looks forward to when he gets home from a long day at work? It is a satisfying supper! This room brings a place for fellowship around the blessing of food. The kitchen is the room where food is prepared for the needy and hurting in our communities. Everything from science projects to economics can be taught in the kitchen. Memorable, sincere discussions can happen while a family is cooking or doing the dishes together. The opportunities for Spiritual service are endless from the kitchen.

This room is where the greatest physical needs of each family member are met.

Every woman needs to understand that the kitchen is the pulse of the household. Kitchen work is not a curse, it is our mission field from our Heavenly Father! Once a daughter and mom understand that this really does serve others and pleases the Lord, then we can begin to do our kitchen work to the glory of God.

To the disappointment of many feminist, being born a woman is not a curse, nor is it something to be fought. We were created to be helpers to our husbands. A mother’s duty is to teach the skills of homemaking and a love for God, home and family to her children. This is a mother’s primary duty in life after serving her husband.

I’m giving away a free download of my book What to Do When Your Daughter Hates Being in the Kitchen just for Raising Homemakers THIS WEEK ONLY.  Use password: KITCHEN

The Real Purpose of Eating Together

Kathy Brodock, is the wife of Jeff Brodock, and mother of seven children, three of whom
are adopted. She is a homeschool veteran of over 20 years and is an author and video
producer. She also enjoys the fiber arts of quilting and crocheting, along with the
culinary arts of cake decorating and catering. But her heart is truly one of a wife, mother
and homemaker. Her home on the web is TeachingGoodThings.com

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June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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