If you’re like me, you probably like to stash a few Christmas presents away throughout the year. Well, I have a stash of past issues of The Girlhood Home Companion that I would like to bless you and your daughter(s) with this Christmas. So it gives me great joy to announce that Remembrance Press is giving away 50 copies of our beautiful holiday themed “Stepping Heavenward” issue from 2012 to the RH audience.
Just a few of this issue’s features include:
Across the Miles: Christmas Traditions from Our Readers
Beloved Books: Reflections on Stepping Heavenward
The Snow
Fit for the Master’s Use
The Journey Heavenward
An Invitation to Christmas Tea
The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
The Writing Desk
Life’s Patchwork
Make Your Own Christmas Card Ornament
You can order your complimentary issue here. All you have to do is pay a small shipping fee, and we will drop your Girlhood Home Companion in the mail post haste!
Once we have received 50 requests we will announce this offer fulfilled on our website.
We hope The Girlhood Home Companion will be a highlight of your Christmas celebration.