Announcing New Contributors!


Raising Homemakers is happy to announce that we are adding three NEW contributors to our team!

First, please welcome Mary Clendinin of The Encouraging Home. She will be writing for our Raising Sons Corner.

Mary is a farm girl and homeschooling mom to 2 sons. She has been married to her husband for almost 14 years. She is passionate about her faith and strives to find balance in home life, farm life, homeschooling, and healthy living. She blogs at The Encouraging Home. She tries to encourage others to stay focused on the Lord and the things that truly matter, even through stress, chaos, and trials. She also loves to help people live healthy the natural way through essential oils, living clay, and other ways.

Secondly, there is Jacinda of Growing Home

Jacinda Vandenberg is a wife, mother, homemaker, and second-generation homeschooler. She blogs at Growing Home, a site dedicated to preserving the homemaking arts and encouraging fellow keepers-of-the-home to embrace their noble calling. When she’s not gardening, cooking, or crafting with her sweet babes, you’ll probably find her writing about her passions with one hand and holding a large mug of coffee in the other.

And finally, Bambi Moore of In the Nursery of the Nation!

Bambi has been the helpmeet to her pastor-husband for 17 years now, and is the blessed mother of eight children. She loves making home a haven and center for ministry for her family and others, as well as homeschooling her large brood and blogging about the joy and nobility of motherhood. Bambi and her family live in the beautiful Texas countryside where they raise dairy goats, love the outdoors and find lots of laughter in the crazy moments of life with many littles.

We are excited about our newest additions and pray you will be blessed by them. Please feel free to leave a comment to welcome them!

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mother to eight beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June strongly believes that weak homes equate a weak nation and therefore blogs at
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Raising Homemakers, and is the author of the encouraging eBook, True Christian Motherhood. She is the founder of Wise Woman Consulting, her service to teach women how to successfully make money blogging at home and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook and Twitter at @wisewomanbuilds.

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June Fuentes

June Fuentes is the happy wife to Steve and blessed homeschooling mom to nine beautiful children that they are raising for the Lord. She has a heart to see mothers all around the world grasp the vision of biblical motherhood and to see this noble role restored in the 21st century to the glory of God. June blogs at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to minister to Christian women on how to build up strong Christian homes. She is also the owner of Christian Homemaking, and is the author of the encouraging eBooks, True Christian Motherhood and How to Build a Strong Christian Home, and a consultant for Lilla Rose, where you can find unique and beautiful hair products. She would love for you to join her on the journey to biblical womanhood on Facebook.

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